Dog Training 102: Great Tips on How to Train a Dog

Training dogs

Being a dog owner is rewarding, and successfully training your puppies is a wonderful way to create a strong bond between the two of you. All dogs, young or old, can benefit from learning some fundamental commands. If you’re looking for the fundamentals—sit, down, stay, and leave—look no further.

What advantages does training my dog have?

Basic obedience commands like sit, wait, and coming back when called give your dog the freedom to do the things they enjoy while remaining safe and under control, such as running off leash and going with you to visit friends and family.

Additionally, because dogs are intelligent creatures who generally enjoy learning, training can be a great way to keep them from getting bored.

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Young happy veterinary nurse smiling while playing with a dog.

How are dogs taught?

Reward-based training should be the norm. When you reward your dog for a particular behavior, such as with food, toys, or praise, they are more likely to repeat it in the future.

Discovering your dog’s true preferences and favorite things is important. Small pieces of cheese or meat are frequently served as treats. The more enjoyable training and learning are for your puppies, the better the reward.

Best training advice

  • Reduce distractions by beginning training sessions for new tricks in a quiet area of your home away from other people.
  • Divide training into brief but frequent sessions to prevent your puppies from feeling overwhelmed.
  • Be patient; just like people, dogs learn at varying rates, so don’t get frustrated if your puppies doesn’t understand something right away.
  • Always end on a positive note with something your puppies already understands.
  • Have fun; bonding with your puppies through training is a great way to do so.

Get to know the fundamentals

Our how-to guides can assist you with the fundamentals of training your puppies, but we also suggest attending puppies training classes, particularly for more complex techniques like clicker training.

Try seeking advice from a certified behaviorist if you’re having any issues. They specialize in behavioral problems like phobias, aggressive behavior, excessive barking, and aggression. If you need a little extra help, you can also ask a dog trainer for assistance, below is an example:

Training a puppy to sit

Sit is a really useful command for dogs to learn, so teaching it to them is a great place to start with training.

For instance, asking your puppy to sit when greeting people will reduce the likelihood that they will jump up, and teaching your puppy to sit at curbs can make crossing roads safer.

  1. With your puppy in a standing position, hold a tasty treat near their nose.
  2. Keeping the treat near your dog’s nose, move your hand in an arc over his head. As the puppy raises his head to follow the treat, his bottom will go on the floor. The instant he sits, praise him and give him the treat.
  3. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions.
  4. As your puppy always gets a treat for sitting, you’ll soon find he sits for longer. You can now add the cue word ‘sit’ as he goes to sit. Be careful not to say it before your puppy moves into position or they may associate it with the wrong movement.
  5. Practice this a number of times in short but regular sessions.
  6. Give an ‘okay’ cue to let your puppy know when their training has ended.

look for a dog trainer

A crucial aspect of responsible puppies ownership is training your puppies. It’s a great way to get to know your puppies and it also provides important mental stimulation.

Reward-based training is advised for motivating and instructing your puppies  from a young age. By enrolling your puppies in training classes, you can better understand how your dog learns while also giving him the chance to gain crucial social skills.

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A large breed black and brown dog lays down on an exam table while on a visit to the Veterinarian. He is facing the female Veterinarian of African decent as she pets him and attempts to make him feel comfortable before beginning the exam.

Finding a dog trainer

Even if they lack the necessary education and training, anyone can claim to be a puppies trainer. Finding a good trainer is crucial because some training techniques can hurt your puppies or lead to behavioral issues.

Standards for professional competence and animal welfare during training and behavior therapy are established and monitored by the Animal Behaviour and Training Council (ABTC).

Animal training instructors who are registered with the ABTC have been found to be qualified to help you and your pet. These experts will instruct you on how to train your dog morally and in a way that meets his or her needs for welfare.

Find a trainer who is accredited by the ABTC.

Qualities of a quality training program

Before enrolling your dog in a training session, observe it without them. This enables you to gauge your comfort level with the instructor and their teaching techniques. Watch out for:

Dog conduct

Some puppies might feel nervous on the first day. Does the teacher or assistant assist the worried dog’s owner? The dogs should be at ease and engaged in later lessons. Dogs that are cowering, have their tails between their legs, or avoid eye contact should be avoided.

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I have the best dance partner ever

Training techniques

Look for training techniques that use food, play, or toys as rewards. If the instructor uses training methods that instill fear, pain, chokeholds, yelling, or hitting, don’t attend the class.

School size

No more than 8 puppies should be in a class with an instructor and one assistant, according to the APDT (UK).


Is the class quiet and unruffled? Shouting or barking frequently is a sign of high stress.

tailored to each person

Dogs progress at varying rates and are motivated by various things. Does the class give dogs a chance to unwind before engaging in activities?

On subject

Instructors should advise owners to speak with their veterinarian or a clinical animal behaviorist instead of offering advice about medical conditions or serious behavioral problems.

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